Title: The Gunslinger

Author: Stephen King

Type: Fiction

Page Count/Review Word Count: 216

Rating: 8/10


Stephen King - The Gunslinger

Stephen King – The Gunslinger


It’s difficult for me to review this book, because I found that the way that the book is written – almost like a dream, but a vivid dream with a story line of sorts – makes it difficult for you to take it all in.  And that’s not a bad thing.

In fact, I felt like The Gunslinger was more like an idea which had an experiment in world-building attached to it, a story with a vague idea of where it would end up but no concrete story line, almost a collection of obscure thoughts and conversations with a little bit of action from time to time.

But I’m also pretty sure that I could re-read this a dozen times and get more out of the story every time I revisited it. Even though I sometimes found it difficult to follow what was happening, I enjoyed every minute of it, and I’m already looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

The Dark Tower series is considered by many people to be Stephen King’s masterpiece, and it’s certainly his longest running mini series within the wider spectrum of his body of work. And it’s short!


Stephen King

Stephen King


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