Title: The Last Vampire

Author: Willis Hall

Type: Fiction

Page Count/Review Word Count: 157

Rating: 7/10


Willis Hall - The Last Vampire

Willis Hall – The Last Vampire


The Last Vampire used to be one of my favourite books as a child, and even now it still has a soft spot in my heart. Simply put, it follows the story of the mild-mannered vampire Count Alucard, as he befriends Henry Hollins and his parents during one of their family holidays.

As children’s stories go, this is one of the better ones, and it’s actually as entertaining for adults as it is for children. The kind of horror involved is a play horror, and so it’s not going to scare the youngsters if you read it to them right before bed, and you’re going to feel fairly relaxed yourself. The great thing about it is that it’s also a part of a series, so if you enjoy this then there’s more where that came from.





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